Too many of us keep doing what we’re doing. Even when it gives rise to stress, conflict and frustration. If ever you’ve thought,“there’s got to be a better way”, you’d be right. There is.
It’s called the Budo-Way.
Drawing on centuries of ancient wisdom, it’s an approach that has already benefitted thousands around the world. Experiential, inclusive and beautifully adaptable, its lessons are absorbed quickly and applied immediately.
Three ways to benefit from the Budo-Way…

Peaceful Mind
Achieve optimum performance within any stressful situation and environment.

Create your World
How to change your mind to perceive and thus create a better world.

Complete Focus
Stop your mental race for complete presence and best performance

Breakthrough in Business and life
Amazon Bestseller
By Eyal Nir and Amit Offir
Available in English, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Hebrew and Vietnamese.
Invite eyal to create a Bespoke Seminar or workshop for you
Program main messages and participants’ benefits
1. Peaceful Mind – Effective performance within stressful situations
2. BuDo 21 Guidelines for life – based on Miyamoto Musashi’s (most famous Samurai) DokkoDo
3. Take Control – Emotions management – so you can make best choices and take best action.
4. Create your inner anchor – reduce external influence over inner peace and happiness
5. KumiTe Oneness – connecting, internal – external, self – world. (no more separation and duality)
6. General Recruitment – summon all mental-physical faculties at a given moment for a given task.
7. Create your Karma – out of human rebirth suffering cycle
8. Enhance your will power – making wise decisions at life’s challenging situations.
9. MuShin (empty mind) – learn to stop mental race, fully be here and now
10. Acquire “Stable Emotions” thru mindfulness
11. Ho-Shin & Kime: Decision Making – “give everything to remain full”
12. KiAi + AiKi – winning combination of complete determination with mental flexibility.
13. Identify Opportunities – enhanced sensitivity, reading people and developing intuition
14. Optimal use of human body – posture, breath, center, base, body dynamics, kinetic chain
15. KiMe – total mental-physical focus of energy
16. Kata – movement meditation

To learn more about bespoke seminars or workshops for your team, get in touch today.
Is the Budo-Way for you?
If you’re looking to enhance either your own well-being and performance – or that of your staff, colleagues or community – then yes, it is. Especially if you’re interested in a lecture, seminar or workshop that is:
Adaptable: to your particular challenges and needs.
Experiential: Exciting experience-based realizations and insights beyond theoretical explanations.
Inclusive: Able to benefit a diverse group – irrespective of age, skillset or background.
Applicable: Conveying ‘sticky’ wisdom that can be immediately applied.